Thursday, March 31, 2011


Oh, time flies~

Tomorrow will be my FYP (final year project) 's Poster Presentation Day
I think everybody (include my beloved coursemates) will suffer from PPSD which stand for "Pre-Presentation Stress Disorder", a new-discovered brain disorder by Yuki Lai

I really worry about it....hope tomorrow can pass faster....
Really don't know what to prepare, because we can't expect what questions the examiner will ask, because the range is too large...what we can do now is "read, read & read" to gain more knowledge, so that we able to answer to all the questions.

Chinese Proverb says "养兵千日,用兵一时"
Really can applied to us..
We had prepare for so long, but the few hours tomorrow will determine 30% of the 8 credit hours!

What i can say is "GAMBATE" & "GOOD LUCK"~ 

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